Breast Ultrasound

We offer breast ultrasound to assist mammography in the detection of abnormalities. With ultrasound, the abnormalities can be categorized as a cyst or solid tumor/mass. Our technologist captures the images and stores them digitally.

A physician's order is required for breast ultrasound. Managed care patients also require a referral for certain studies.

Screening Breast Ultrasound

During screening breast ultrasound, our radiologist performs ultrasound imaging of the entire breast to assess for abnormalities. This type of breast ultrasound is performed only after a screening mammogram is completed and found to be normal; it cannot be a standalone screening study. If you have very dense breast tissue, screening breast ultrasound can be especially helpful because it can find cancers that are obscured on a mammogram.

A physician's order is required for screening breast ultrasound. Managed care patients also require a referral for certain studies.